
Showing posts from September, 2021

Why is Onshape an ideal platform for team collaboration?

  Onshape is the leading platform in the industry that facilitates collaboration between team members. It is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product development platform for providing a secure and integrated cloud workspace to the users. It is a unique platform allowing the team to focus more on designing. The platform combines real-time collaboration tools, CAD, business analytics, and build-in data management. Through the cloud-based platform, businesses have discovered a definitive way to modernize and transform their product design process. Speed to market is procured with fast technical innovations. Ensures easy deployment on the computer or mobile devices can be achieved with the  Onshape  cad software enabling teams to work in coordination. The platform has completely eliminated the struggle and challenges of the organization for remote operations. Apart from improving the collaboration, it has also improved the connectivity between the workforce. Nowadays businesses are moderniz

Augmented Reality – The missing link between Reality & Virtual Reality!

  Introduction Imagine that you are trapped in a dessert, and you get thirsty. You see a pond of water but it is far at distance; then you see another pond of clean water, which is just a few steps away but it’s a mirage, and then there is a Tap of Water between the - distant but real water pond and the closest pond which a Mirage! Exactly, that Tap Water is what Augmented Reality is, in context of this blog. Augmented reality (AR)  is a technology where designers use computer-generated inputs to enhance the elements from the users’ physical world. These digital inputs—ranges from sound to video, to graphics to GPS overlays and more, which responds in real time. How AR is different from Virtual Reality & Mixed Reality AR transforms volumes of data and analytics into images or animations that are overlaid on the real world. A few examples include IKEA Mobile App, AR Kit and the Pokemon Go game…. Whilst the concept of Virtual reality is to create an entirely new world itself which no

Benefits of Internet of Things (IoT) course in 2021!

  Pandemic and continuously imposed lockdowns have caged us! I am not asking you but telling you because I know – they have! And for this current scenario there is a huge talent out there which is now confused with their future! But why not to see this as an opportunity to try out something different, exciting & futuristic! Let me tell you about - Internet of Things, which is shortly known as IoT! It’s a way out for you into a new world, where you will never feel caged again. In-fact IoT is a career option that will give you wings to attain the new heights of success, both careers wise and monetary! What is Internet of Things - IoT? Some of you might know about it… yet, let me tell for those who don’t! In simple words- Internet of Things or Iot can be defined as an ecosystem of connected physical objects that are accessible through the internet. The ‘thing’ in IoT could be a person with a heart monitor or an automobile with built-in-sensors, i.e. objects that have been assigned an

IIoT– A new fuel for Manufacturing Industries

  Introduction We all know about IoT or Internet of Things; which is a network of all the objects that breathe-digits and codes and are allowed to communicate with each other in terms of sharing data, over the internet without human intervention. We are experiencing a new industrial revolution like never before called  INDUSTRIE 4.0!  And IoT is said to be the key element of this revolution. Now what is IIoT? When the concept of IoT is applied to the large scale industries such as Manufacturing –IoT becomes IIoT which is; Industrial Internet of Things. Industrial Internet of Things – IIoT Industrial Internet of Things - uses embedded sensors, cloud-based data, and inter connected smart devices on the manufacturing floor to derive, artificial intelligence, predictive analytics and to ensure better industrial performance. This digital revolution brought by  IIoT  is said to leverage / in some cases has already leveraged discrete manufacturing industries incustomization, improved producti